The CFH offers a variety of membership levels:

  • Regular Members: $60
  • Graduate Students: $35
  • Undergraduate Students: $35
  • Retired/Emeritus: $45
  • Library/Institutional Membership: $50

To be eligible for membership in the CFH, you need to be in accord with the purposes of the CFH. Please review the About CFH page before applying for membership.

All categories of membership will receive the calendar year issues of our journal, Fides et Historia, electronic copies of our newsletter, and membership in the CFH e-mail list. Only the Regular membership category will be allowed to vote; individuals in the emeriti or either student membership category who wish to be voting members may do so by paying the Regular membership fee.

Dues are payable on a calendar year basis. Memberships not renewed by February 15 of each year will be removed from the mailing lists (no kidding!). Because of escalating postal costs, memberships received or renewed after February 15 will get whatever issues of the journal and newsletter are published subsequently. (Back issues are available at $25 per number.) The CFH does not offer a multi-year membership.

When creating or renewing your membership, please consider making a donation to one of these CFH initiatives:

  • CFH general fund (scholarships, fellowships, etc.)
  • Latin American Initiative
  • Women of the CFH
  • Western Regional Association of the CFH

Persons interested in joining the CFH should provide the following information: complete current mailing address, email address, and membership category. Checks should be made out to “The Conference on Faith and History.”

Send this information to:

Glenn Sanders, Treasurer
Conference on Faith and History
612 Arlington Avenue
Bristol, VA  24201


You may also renew your membership online with PayPal.



If you are an individual or institution who has benefited from the Conference on Faith & History, and you would like to give a gift to further our work, you may do so here.
